

"Administrator" means Corporate Rewards Ltd, the program administrator on behalf of Dental Trey Srl 
"Data Protection Law" means GDPR.
"GDPR" means the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679);
"Participant" or "You" means a Dental Trey client
"Program" means Dental Trey Rewards and all its components.
Promoter means Dental Trey Srl
"Site" means


These Terms of Use apply to Dental Trey's Rewards Program.
This Program will run between 04/19/2021 and 03/31/2023 (inclusive). 

By participating in the Program, logging into their account, making transactions with their points or using any other aspects of the Program or the Site, the Participant simultaneously confirms their reading, understanding and acceptance of these conditions for using the Site. The Promoter will have the right to change these rules, and / or vary, suspend, revoke or cancel the Program - including for avoidance of doubt any related incentives, at any time and without notice. These regulations, as well as any other instructions reported elsewhere on the Site, represent the entirety of the terms and conditions in force. It is the Participant's responsibility to become familiar with this regulation and to review it periodically to ascertain any possible amendments.

Il Promotore si riserva il diritto, a sua esclusiva discrezione, di squalificare qualsiasi Partecipante che agisca in modo fraudolento, tenti di aggirare la sicurezza del Sito o comprometta l’amministrazione, la sicurezza, l’equità, l’integrità o la corretta conduzione del Programma, ovvero che manometta l’iter di immissione o di riscatto degli incentivi, ovvero che possa avvantaggiarsi da detta manomissione.
Il Promotore non accetta alcuna responsabilità nei riguardi del Sito, relativamente ad errori, omissioni, interruzioni, cancellazioni, difetti, ritardi operativi o nelle trasmissioni.
I Partecipanti non devono registrarsi al Sito né utilizzarlo per conto di terzi. Per la registrazione sarà consentito un singolo indirizzo di posta elettronica per ogni Partecipante. 

In caso di qualsivoglia controversia legata al Programma o ai punti assegnati, la decisione del Promotore sarà insindacabile e vincolante, e non si avvierà alcuna corrispondenza a tale riguardo.  Tutte le vertenze correlate ai prodotti Rewards e alla fornitura saranno a discrezione dell’Amministratore. 

Nella misura consentita dalla legge, il Promotore, l’Amministratore e/o i loro dipendenti, appaltatori e agenti coinvolti nel Programma non saranno responsabili e verranno mantenuti indenni per/da qualunque perdita, danno, lesione o reclamo subito (comprese, a titolo non esaustivo, perdite di natura diretta o conseguente) a causa o per via di un soggetto partecipante al Programma e alla relativa pubblicità.

Il Promotore e/o l’Amministratore non possono garantire le prestazioni di terzi e non saranno responsabili per qualsivoglia azione o inadempimento imputabile a terzi.  I Partecipanti al Programma prendono atto che il Promotore e l’Amministratore non saranno in alcun modo responsabili per eventuali lesioni, perdite, costi, danni o disappunto insorti - in tutto o in parte, in modo diretto o indiretto - dall’accettazione, dall’uso erroneo o dall’utilizzo dei premi, ovvero dalla partecipazione a questo Programma. Nulla nella presente clausola limiterà le responsabilità del Promotore o dell’Amministratore nei riguardi di decesso o infortunio insorto dalla sua personale negligenza.

Se un Partecipante riceve preavviso della conclusione del Programma, tutti i punti dovranno essere riscattati 30 giorni dopo tale notifica della fine del Programma.  


Il Promotore agirà in veste di Responsabile del trattamento, così come definito nella Normativa in materia di protezione dei dati.  Il Promotore accetta di adempiere ai propri obblighi secondo quanto contemplato in tutta la legislazione applicabile. In particolare, il Promotore condividerà i Dati personali con l’Amministratore al fine di amministrare il Programma, evadere gli ordini in merito agli incentivi inoltrati dal Partecipante, procedere alle comunicazioni relative al Programma e, inoltre, per altre finalità legate al marketing del Promotore, come enunciato nell’Informativa privacy.


Al presente Programma potranno aderire i  Partecipanti residenti in Italia e a San Marino e di età maggiorenne (18 anni o più) alla data di iscrizione.  I dipendenti dovranno ottenere il nulla osta del proprio datore di lavoro prima di prendere parte a questo Programma. Il Programma non è cumulabile con programmi, offerte o sconti di altra natura


L’assegnazione dei punti avviene quando un cliente iscrittosi al programma Rewards acquista Dental Trey Srl.

Gli articoli Dental Trey che danno diritto a punti comprendono prodotti, apparecchiature, materiali educativi e servizi tecnici (sono esenti i prodotti farmaceutici e anestetici).

Viene conferito 1 punto per ogni €1 di spesa, a discrezione di Dental Trey Srl.

I punti sono assegnati unicamente ai conti di fatturazione.

Participation implies full and unconditional acceptance of these Regulations. Any non-compliance with the Program regulations, or any abuse of the Program, conduct detrimental to the interests of Dental Trey or the Administrator, or any misrepresentation of the information released to Dental Trey may lead to termination of participation, cancellation of points, incentives or accrued benefits, or both.

Dental Trey reserves the right to refuse membership in the Program, exclude or remove any customer from the Program (for example where a customer fails to pay overdue invoices).

The Promoter is not responsible for the loss, corruption or delay of any data entered. Participation implies full and unconditional acceptance of these Regulations. Any non-compliance with the Program regulations, or any abuse of the Program, conduct detrimental to the interests of the Promoter or the Administrator, or any misrepresentation of the information released to Dental Trey may lead to the termination of participation, the cancellation of points, incentives or benefits. accrued, or to both of these consequences.


Each Participant will receive points based on the purchases of the above, accruing 1 point for every € 1 spent.  

Participants can choose between:

(i) accumulate points and redeem them later, or

(ii) use all or part of the points to claim rewards through the Site

The redemption of the points must be done through the Site. Once the rewards have been chosen, it will be possible to exchange them only by contacting [email protected] within 24 hours of redemption. No cash alternatives are offered.  

Points awarded to participants will expire on April 30, 2023.

Any fraudulent activity concerning accounts, point balances, coupon codes and incentive redemptions may lead to the closure of the Participant's account and the cancellation of accrued points or orders placed for incentives, or both of these consequences. The Promoter and the Administrator will turn to the Participant for compensation for any losses incurred due to fraudulent activities. 



Points can only be redeemed through the Program Site Administrator. Once the rewards have been chosen, it will be possible to exchange them only by contacting [email protected] within 24 hours of redemption.  

Points are not redeemable for cash or any other type of payment from the Promoter to the Participant.

Participants are not permitted to accumulate points with other forms of payment, incorporate them, transfer them or combine them with / with points of other participants or Programs for the purpose of redemption for incentives.

Incentives involving "experiences" will be processed by direct agreement between the Participant and the supplier concerned. 


If an incentive is not available, the Administrator will contact the Participant within 7 days of placing the order, proposing a replacement item of similar value. If the Participant does not wish to accept this replacement item, the points equivalent to the value of the incentive will be re-credited.

The Administrator reserves the right to remove or include any incentive from the range, at its discretion, and Participants will therefore not be able to rely in all cases on the availability of a certain category or type of incentive. The Administrator will provide any incentives at the originally agreed price, the cost of which has undergone changes subsequent to the order placed by the Participant.


The delivery of the incentives will take place within 28 days of placing the orders, unless otherwise indicated on the Site or by e-mail.

All incentives will be delivered to the address indicated by the Participant at the time of ordering. The delivery address for incentives must be a location where someone will be able to sign upon receipt of the products. As a rule, if no one is able to sign and certify the receipt of the products, the couriers will leave a notice with the necessary contact details, so that the Participant can reorganize the delivery. If despite a new delivery attempt there is no one present to sign, the supplier may charge the delivery costs at its discretion, which will be imposed on the Participant for payment. 

Any damaged items must be rejected upon delivery, and products showing damage upon delivery, or upon opening the package, must be reported to the Supplier's Customer Service within 48 hours. This will allow timely checks with the supplier or courier concerned, and also to proceed with the shipment of replacement items. In general, the couriers do not accept any responsibility for items damaged or lost after this 48 hour period.   

If a delivery is made to the Participant with obligation to sign, but for any reason such delivery is not feasible, the Administrator will arrange a second delivery at the first opportunity. However, the Participant may be charged additional amounts by the courier or other similar service provider for repeat delivery. The Participant will be responsible for paying these costs.

Returns and breakdowns

Incentive returns will be arranged in the Participant's name in the event of faulty or damaged items, provided that such issue is reported to the Administrator within 48 hours of receipt of the incentives. In general, the couriers do not accept any responsibility for items damaged or lost after this 48 hour period.    

If the Participant wishes to discuss or arrange a return, exchange or refund for any item, please contact us within 48 hours of receipt.  

Participant acknowledges that certain incentives are non-returnable or non-refundable (i.e. personalized items, made-to-order products, perishable items such as flowers / food or personal items, such as jewelery / costume jewelery or cosmetics).

Any faults arising after 14 days of receipt will be subject to the guarantees issued by the manufacturers.

Tax charges

The Promoter and the Administrator absolve themselves from any liability of a fiscal or social security nature arising from the awards given. The recipients will be directly responsible for the accounting and payment of any tax and social security charges to the local revenue agencies, and also for other local taxes applicable to the awards received.

This Program is administered by Corporate Rewards Ltd on behalf of Dental Trey


Dental Trey Srl
Via Partisani 3
47016 Fiumana - Predappio FC
